Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Celebrating Valentine’s Day a Day Late

Celebrating Valentine’s Day a Day Late Celebrating Valentine’s Day a Day Late

There are many couples who enjoy celebrating Valentine’s Day but are often annoyed or stressed out when they try to celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14th. This is because one of the most popular ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day is by going out to dinner. This can lead to overcrowding and long waits to be seated. Some restaurants do not take reservations and even the ones that do often have difficulty honoring these reservations when there are huge crowds on Valentine’s Day. As a result there are many couples who opt to celebrate Valentine’s Day by going out to dinner a day or two late or even a day or two early. There is nothing wrong with this and it can often result in a much more relaxing Valentine’s Day celebration simply because it is taking place on the 13th or the 15th of February instead of the 14th. This article will provide some information on celebrating Valentine’s Day a day late.

If you are planning to take your partner out to dinner to celebrate Valentine’s Day but are having trouble making reservations you might consider making your reservations for the day after Valentine’s Day or for the first weekend after Valentine’s Day. This will give you many additional options and will help to make your planning easier. However, if this is what you are planning you should probably also consult your partner to make sure celebrating a day late or even a few days late will not be disappointing to your partner. This is an important factor to consider because there are many who are very adamant about going out to celebrate on Valentine’s Day and may be extremely disappointed if plans are made for a day late.

If your partner will be extremely disappointed about celebrating Valentine’s Day, it might be a good idea to alter the plans rather than delaying them. For example if you want to avoid having to wait more than an hour for a table at a fancy restaurant, try cooking a great meal for your partner instead. You will still be celebrating in a really fun way but you won’t have the stress of dealing with a crowded restaurant.

Sometimes it is not merely a matter of convenience which makes it necessary to celebrate Valentine’s Day a day or two late. You or your partner may have an unusual work schedule which would make getting together on Valentine’s Day extremely difficult. For example doctors often work a few long shifts per week which can interfere with Valentine’s Day plans. If you or your partner is in this type of situation it is best to discuss Valentine’s Day ahead of time and figure out what will work best for the two of you. You might decide it would be a good idea to celebrate few days late or you may even agree to just exchange cards for Valentine’s Day. Whatever you decide you should make sure it is a decision which makes you both happy.

Finally, if you and your partner are planning to celebrate Valentine’s Day a day or two late it is important to remember that you should still treat your celebration with all of the excitement and enthusiasm as you would if you were celebrating on the 14th of February. For example if you would buy a new dress, get your nails done or get your hair done for Valentine’s Day you should still go ahead and do these things even if you are celebrating Valentine’s Day late. It will help to make the celebration feel more fun and exciting.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pre Wedding Activities

Pre Wedding Planning pre-wedding activities is a little something extra that's not required, but certainly fun and entertaining for the guests. If the bride and groom keep in mind the distance some guests have traveled and keep activities relevant to that level of fatigue, they're sure to hit on some winning activities.

As you go about planning activities for the wedding, keep in mind other factors as well. Do many people have children with them? Will you provide childcare or will the children be participants in the activities? If you have several guests who are older, perhaps activities can be tailored in a ay they can participate as well.

Some of the more popular pre-wedding activities include things like a group manicure. All the women in the wedding party or ho are close to the bride (and certainly this could include men if they like manicures and want to hang out with the ladies) head to a nail salon and get their nails done. This can be relaxing for many women and provide a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of the wedding weekend. The men might choose to golf or play a game of tennis while this is going on.

Pre WeddingMany brides and grooms choose to provide structured activities for their guests prior to the wedding. If the wedding is on a Saturday night, for example, they might choose to provide a Friday activity, especially if most guests are local to the wedding. You might have a wedding luau. Many times pre-wedding activities center around bachelor and bachelorette parties, but what about a stag party that includes all the members of the brides and grooms families? You could plan some fun (and appropriate) games and head out to a restaurant for a night of fun and games. Be sure to limit the drinking and carousing as this might not sit well with some family members.

Here is a fun activity that can be done right before the wedding. Have someone begin a gift basket. The theme of the basket is "advice for the couple" and could be started by the best man or maid of honor. They take the basket to someone else's house, perhaps an aunt or cousin and leave it on the doorstep. That person adds an item (a book on how to end spousal arguments? Or a CD of romantic music?) and brings the basket to someone else's house. This activity can begin a week or two before the wedding and everyone should know it is coming around.

weddingThe basket can also be circulated the weekend of the wedding, but this ill only work if everyone is local and if they know the basket is coming. In this case, it also might be helpful to have someone bring the basket to a house, collect the item and the take the basket to the next location, reducing the need to have each person take the basket to its next location. Once it's full, someone can be in charge of putting the basket items together, wrapping it all up to make it look nice and bringing it to the bride and groom. It can be delivered right to the wedding as a gift in and of itself.

Whatever activities you choose, be sure to keep in mind the needs of your guests and the limitations of those guests. If you want to plan an activity that includes everyone, and you choose golf, but grandpa is in a wheelchair or uses a walker, that might not be the best activity to plan.

Tags : wedding websites, wedding photographers, cheap wedding favors, wedding favorsm, destination wedding

Monday, August 3, 2009

Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Games

Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Games Wedding rehearsal dinners are a time to relax, calm down and enjoy a quiet evening before the big event the next day. But adding some fun and games into the rehearsal dinner isn't such a bad idea. It's a great way to help everyone let off some steam, calm down and enjoy each other.

If you're planning a sit-down formal dinner, fun games and activities can still be on the menu. In fact, if a formal dinner is part of the plans, having some interesting activities on the agenda is not only a good idea, but also an excellent one. There's been a lot of planning, and a lot of stress and the wedding party and close friends and family will welcome the opportunity to have a little fun.

The success or failure of any games or activities largely depends not just on the planning but your venue. If you're having a sit-down dinner in a restaurant, try to get a private room. Then a myriad of fun activities can be planned, such as "pin the veil on the bride", in which blindfolded guests spin around a few times, then try to pin the veil on a picture of the bride. Silly, yes, but also fun.

One fun activity sure to help everyone blow off some steam is charades. Whoever is up will act out a scene from the bride or groom's life, so it might be when graduating from college, or getting a huge promotion at work. The "it" person might choose to act out when the bride tripped and fell at another person's wedding or when the groom saved a dog from getting hit by a car. This is a little twist on charades that helps people get to know the bride and groom better, and adds intimacy to what is already an intimate event.

Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Games If the wedding rehearsal dinner is a bit less formal and held in someone's home, there are many more activities that can take place. For example, how about a night of playing board games? Who needs formal food? You can have that the next day at the formal wedding. At this rehearsal dinner party, the games are center stage.

Bring in some sandwiches and tell everyone to wear their comfortable clothes and settle in for a night of board games. You can set up games on different tables, divide people into groups of 4 or 5 and have everyone rotate tables at designated times. You can even instruct game players that when they move to another table, the game stays out the way it is.  So, for example, dad might begin playing Monopoly where the bride was and he's stuck with only a little money in the bank and no houses on Boardwalk.

So, let's say the bride and groom are big into sports. If the wedding is to be held in the summer and the days are long, how about a game of touch football or baseball? You can play bride's family against groom's family, men against women, or for a twist, the bride plays with the groom's family and the groom with the bride's family. Any combination works. The idea here is to have some fun, relax and enjoy each other's company.

Other outdoor activities can include anything that is physical and might help people blow off steam. Has the bride been more a "bridezilla" than anything? How about a game of tag where she's it? Or you can create two bridesmaid's dress-up trunks. Go to a thrift store, fill the trunks with old prom dresses and large-size shoes, and costume jewelry. Divide the guests into two different teams and have someone sit with a timer. The team who dresses one of the men (ideally, the groom and best man or perhaps the two dads) first wins. Be sure to have a camera at the rehearsal dinner/event, because this is one activity you'll want to have pictures of!

Tags : wedding websites, wedding photographers, cheap wedding favors, wedding favorsm, destination wedding

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cheap Wedding Favors

Cheap Wedding Favors Depending on the size of your wedding the budget for your wedding favors can be very important. This is important because you may be planning on allowing for one favor for each guest or one for each couple. Whichever you decide to do, if you are having a large number of guests it may greatly impact the amount you can afford to spend on each favor. If you are only have a few guests you may be able to splurge on more expensive favors. However, if you are having a large number of guests on a limited budget you should consider searching for cheap wedding favor ideas.

Candles are one of the simplest ideas for cheap wedding favors. You can find simple candles available at very affordable prices. You might even consider purchasing personalized ribbons to tie pretty bows around the candles. These ribbons can usually be ordered and may include your names and the wedding date. This may sound like a pricey item but if you purchase these ribbons on a reel instead of precut it can be very affordable. A simple taper candle tied with your personalized ribbon can be placed at each place setting to create a really inexpensive wedding favor.

Cheap Wedding Favors Candy is another cheap wedding favor idea. You find a number of different ways to give out candy as an inexpensive wedding favor. One way to do this is to purchase a pretty fabric and some ribbon, cut the fabric into small squares, put a few small pieces of candy on each square and pull the corners together and tie with the ribbon. This is not only a very inexpensive wedding favor idea but it is also a very simple idea which can be assembled at the last minute. Another way to use candy as a wedding favor is to purchase small tins and fill them with the candy of your choice. You can purchase the candy in bulk to keep the price down and separate the candy into small portions for each guest. A final way to give candy as a wedding favor is to buy candy bars with personalized wrappers. The wrappers can include your name and wedding date and even a picture of the two of you. This can be very affordable especially if you are ordering in bulk and are only using one design for the wrappers.

Packets of flower or vegetable seed also make great wedding favors which are also very inexpensive. You can stack up a few different types of seeds and tie each with a ribbon to create an attractive presentation which will not blow your budget. Another way to give flower or vegetable seeds as a wedding favor is to put the seeds in a small pot. The pot does not have to be big enough to grow the flower or vegetable it is merely a symbolic gift so it can be rather small. The pot only needs to be large enough to hold the packets of seeds. This is important because small pots can be purchased rather inexpensively while larger pots will be significantly more expensive.

Cheap Wedding Favors Another great idea for a wedding favor which is also very affordable is pen with the names of the bride and groom as well as the wedding date inscribed on the pen. These can often be purchased for very little and can be paired with stationary and a note encouraging your guests to stay in touch. This is such a great idea for a wedding favor because it is something your gests can really use plus by including some stationary and a note encouraging the guest to stay in touch you are letting them know you truly value their friendship. You might want to even consider including a self addressed stamped envelop with the favor so your guest will be more likely to follow your suggestion and send you at least a short note after the wedding.

Tags : wedding websites, wedding photographers, cheap wedding favors, wedding favorsm, destination wedding

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Living in LOVE : Remembering Why You Married

The kids are yelling, the dog is barking, and you just found out that your spouse forgot to do the one thing that you needed them to do today?again! This scenario may sound typical for your family, or your scenario could be worse. Maybe you and your spouse are arguing more and more, and connecting less and less? You may have even asked yourself, "Is this marriage a mistake?". Though you knew your life wouldn''t be like the Brady Bunch, you may find yourself surprised at just how much work a marriage can be ? and its twice as hard if only one person is working at it.

If this is your situation, ask yourself why you married your spouse? I know it sounds silly, but really?why did you marry them? "Because we were in love"- well, that''s the easy answer-go deeper. See, life happens?kids are born, cars breakdown, jobs are lost, and through all of the ups and downs that are inevitable, its important that you remember why you married this person.


  • Think of the first time you saw your spouse. What is one thing that stood out to you about them?

  • Remember one time when you were sad, angry or disappointed and your spouse really came through for you. What happened? How did it make you feel?

  • What is one thing funny thing you know about your spouse that no one else knows?

  • Think back to your single life, before you met your spouse. What was it like? Now, really think ? what is one small thing your spouse does to make you happy that you are here and not back there?

  • Remember a time when your spouse did something out of the ordinary and surprised you. What did that moment feel like?

  • Remember the first time you saw your spouse holding your child. How did that make you feel?


  • In a quiet time when both you and your spouse are sitting together, bring up your first date. Bring up your happiest memories of this day.

  • Think of a funny story about when you first were married ? good choices are dinners gone bad, ruined laundry, etc.

  • Talk about when you first became parents. What were your fears and hopes. Mention something positive about their parenting, and their connecting to your children.


  • If you eat dinner infront of the TV, stop. Gather together at the table with the TV''s off, so you can actually connect to your family rather than ''veg out''.

  • Be nice. Okay, sometimes that''s easier said than done, but a little sweetness can go a long way. When you get up or go to another room, ask, "Can I get you anything?"

  • Be forgetful. Don''t remember every little thing your spouse has done that irritates you. Sometimes we hold on to the past because it feels familiar. Its not fair to hold the past against your spouse, and its not fair for them to do it to you. If they do, lead by example. Once they see you letting go of the past, they will also. As long as they know you are holding on to the past for future fight ammunition, they will do the same.

  • Touch. Place your hand on your spouse''s hand; lay your arm across their shoulders. An innocent touch can be just the softness and connection that your spouse is looking for.

  • Overlook. There is nothing gained by pointing out all of your spouse''s short comings, and when they have made a mistake don''t use it as an opportunity to put them down. Surprise them by ''not noticing'' their mistake. No one likes to have their mistakes pointed out to them. We are all adults, and its likely that they are already aware of what they''ve done.

    The point is, take some time to remember why you are in this marriage, take some self control and control your end of the marriage, and take the gloves off. Your spouse is not your enemy, and remember though children are the products of marriage, they are not the glue that holds a marriage together?love is.

    Living in love with your spouse can sometimes be challenging, and that''s okay- that''s why the vows read for better, or for worse. With a little bit of effort on your part, and a partner that really loves you it is absolutely possible to live in love, and that is not only a great gift to yourself and your spouse. Living in love is a wonderful gift to your children.

    About The Author

    Samantha Olea is a designer, business woman, wife, and most of all Mother of 2! Samantha founded a free parenting resource at http://TheBestMoms.com hoping to help every mom be the very best mom they can be! Samantha is also the owner of her own web design, graphic design, and hosting firm at : http://getwrappedup.com and AWU Gifts: http://Gifts.GetWrappedUp.com, where she helps Moms start their own business and work from their homes.

    sam@thebestmoms.com', 178, 'Living in LOVE : Remembering Why You Married, Marriage-Wedding, Marriage-Wedding articles, Marriage-Wedding information, about Marriage-Wedding, what is Marriage-Wedding, Marriage & Wedding Information', 'Living in LOVE : Remembering Why You Married plus articles and information on Marriage-Wedding

  • Friday, March 20, 2009

    When To Order and Send Your Wedding Invitations

    Wedding Invitations should be ordered when you have all the details of your wedding set? place, time of ceremony and reception as well as your guest list. Plan to place your invitation order at least 3-4 months in advance, some companies may require 4-6 months. Especially, if you are ordering custom made invitations or handmade invitations and coordinating ensembles. Depending on the intricacy of your design and because they are not mass produced, but rather assembled one by one it can take anywhere from 4 to 10 weeks for your order to arrive. Also consider the factor of the design process, possibility of errors, proofs and changes in your design.

    Ideally invitations are sent 6-8 weeks prior to your wedding. It is best to send out-of-town guests their invitations 8 weeks in advance, as this will allow for making travel arrangements. Consider sending out-of-town guests save the date cards earlier, with information on hotels, flights and car rental.

    Keep in mind that you will need time to address your invitations, ask family and friends for help. While doing it yourself is the most cost effective way. There are other alternatives you may want to consider: the invitation comapny may provide this service for an additional fee or send the envelopes to a calligrapher. A fun alternative would be to learn calligraphy yourself, there are many books and materials readily available.

    Even though selecting your invitations may seem like a daunting task with all the possibilities available, giving yourself enough time will prove beneficial and a money saver.

    It is never too early to start shopping around!

    Edna Renskers is a professional wedding stationery designer and owner of Edna''s Sweet Announcements.

    Handmade Wedding Stationery and More! http://www.EdnasSweetAnnouncements.com', 178, 'When To Order and Send Your Wedding Invitations, Marriage-Wedding, Marriage-Wedding articles, Marriage-Wedding information, about Marriage-Wedding, what is Marriage-Wedding, Marriage & Wedding Information', 'When To Order and Send Your Wedding Invitations plus articles and information on Marriage-Wedding

    Thursday, March 19, 2009

    June Weddings

    From the book Spider''s Big Catch

    As June wraps its arms around us like the warm hug of a favorite aunt, I begin to think about weddings. I''ve been a musician for thirty years, and I''ve played at scores of weddings and receptions, sometimes more than once for the same person. It was a way to make a living-the money was good and there was usually decent food.

    As a wedding soloist, I''d sit off to the side, watching brides in white dresses and grooms in rented tuxedos promise to love each other forever. But somehow, I couldn''t shake a sadness that always hung over me as I watched, knowing that one in every two marriages will fail.

    I can''t explain it, but over the years, I developed an eye for knowing whether a couple was going to make it or not. There was just something about the way the bride and groom related to each other-the look in their eyes and their body language-that offered clues as to how their marriage was going to turn out.

    Then one afternoon, while our band was playing for a large reception in a small town ballroom, I casually looked across the vast sea of people. My glance moved from table to table, until I saw the bride and groom, sitting alone in a corner. They were sitting in total ease, holding hands, saying nothing.

    Her flowing white dress and his tuxedo seemed out of place, but their happiness and comfort with each other was totally apparent. There was no question that those two people belonged together. They would''ve been sitting there in those same two chairs, still holding hands in exactly the same way, if they''d been wearing blue jeans and overalls at someone else''s reception.

    They were at a party, to be sure-a big, loud party. But the party was really for the benefit of everyone else in attendance. They were totally comfortable just sitting in their corner, out of the limelight, watching the people they loved having a good time.

    As cynical as I''d become over the years, something struck me at that moment as I watched that couple. I realized that weddings actually represent the triumph of the human spirit. Every marriage is a public statement by two people, letting the whole world know that together, they choose to believe that their union will be the one-in-two that lasts.

    When thought of in that way, every wedding really symbolizes a victory of hope-in the face of all odds. Sure, it''ll take all their courage and strength to succeed, but no matter what, couples continue to try.

    They know the statistics are against them-but they look straight into the eyes of the odds makers and say, "So what?"

    And why not? Throughout history, people have staked their fortunes, and sometimes their very lives, on less than a 50-50 chance.

    Maybe that''s why we hold so many weddings in the month of June. It''s a month that can be unpredictable-full of warmth and promise one minute, and then suddenly becoming stormy and filled with uncertainty.

    As for me, since seeing that couple, holding hands at their reception, I''ve begun singing my wedding solos with a renewed hope-embodied by two people at the altar, vowing to face their future together, in spite of overwhelming odds.

    © 2004. Gary E. Anderson. All rights reserved.

    About The Author

    Gary Anderson is a freelance writer, editor, ghostwriter, and manuscript analyst, living on a small Iowa farm. He''s published more than 500 articles and four books. He''s also ghosted a dozen books, edited more than 30 full-length manuscripts, produced seven newsletters, and has done more than 800 manuscript reviews for various publishers around the nation. If you need writing or editing help, visit Gary''s website at www.abciowa.com. abciowa@alpinecom.net', 178, 'June Weddings, Marriage-Wedding, Marriage-Wedding articles, Marriage-Wedding information, about Marriage-Wedding, what is Marriage-Wedding, Marriage & Wedding Information', 'June Weddings plus articles and information on Marriage-Wedding